Does Wyoming Require Continuing Education for Contractors

Continuing Education Requirements for Wyoming Engineers

CEU Requirements for Wyoming Professional EngineersWyoming PE continuing education

One of the most common questions we receive is – What are the continuing education requirement for Wyoming professional engineers?

The Wyoming continuing education requirements for professional engineers include: (1) 30 PDHs, (2), the renewal rate is biennially, (3) the maximum number of PDHs that can be forwarded to the next renewal period is 15, (4) the course content that professional engineers take can be technical, ethical, or managerial in nature and should be related to a licensee's area of engineering practice, and (5), the renewal date is December 31 based on the initial year of licensure.

We developed a series of complete continuing education packages for Wyoming professional engineers. These offerings meet all of the Wyoming Engineering Board requirements for license renewal.

Refer to our Wyoming PE renewal page for more information.

Required PDH Credits for WY Engineers

An important point that licensees should be mindful of is that the license renewal period is biennial, meaning that a renewal cycle takes 2 years. A licensee should finish a total of 30 PDHs during the renewal period. The licensing board in Wyoming is the Wyoming Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors (WBPEPLS). The courses that professional engineers should take to earn PDH credits can be technical, ethical, or managerial in nature and they must aim at improving and expanding their skills and knowledge in their engineering practice. This implies that the course activities have to be relevant to engineering for them to qualify for PDH credits.

It's worth highlighting that WBPEPLS does not pre-approve course providers or courses for continuing education. Therefore, engineers have a responsibility to make sure that the courses they take fulfill the requirements of the board. While on this point, it's imperative to put in mind that electronic renewal is accepted in Wyoming. Of great importance still, professional engineers should submit certificates of completion to the board after completion of course activities and having earned PDH credits. Of interest still, engineers should maintain completion records for a minimum of 3 years.

Wyoming PE License Renewal DatesWyoming Engineering Continuing Education Requirements

The license renewal date for professional engineers in Wyoming is December 31, based on the initial year of licensure. The renewal takes place in a biennial format. Therefore, if a cycle begins on the 31st of December 2020, it will end in December 31 2022. Upon the completion of the 2 years, an engineer should have completed 30 PDHs. The main purpose of every continuing education is to maintain, improve, and widen one's skills and knowledge in engineering. Just to emphasize, after the end of a continuing education course, engineers should keep records for future reference upon request by the board.

WY Engineering Ethics and Professional Conduct

Professional engineers should portray a high level of engineering ethics and professional conduct in their daily practice. That is why continuing education courses have ethics, technical, and managerial content to improve the level of engineering practice. It's notable to highlight that the engineers who have a high level of engineering ethics, have the capacity to conduct themselves in a morally acceptable way in their different areas of engineering practice. Moreover, an improved professional competence acts as a crucial impetus in giving engineers the much-needed professional image in their specific disciplines of practice. Also, state rules and laws are fundamental for professional engineers when undertaking continuing education. They equip them with the ability to stick to the specific regulations required of them as professional engineers. In this regard, the continuing education activities that licensees engage in seek to advance their engineering ethics and professional conduct.

Records Keeping Requirements for Engineers

Record keeping carries a great deal of significance for professional engineers. As practicing professionals, they have to keep a record of their earned credits for future reference. In Wyoming, professional engineers have to maintain such records for a minimum of 3 years. Upon request, engineers should present proof of their completed courses to the state's licensing board. The state's licensing board expects engineers to have the following in their records: the continuing education activities taken, the sponsoring institution, location, duration, the name of the tutor, and the PDH credits earned. It's important to assert that when licensees are applying for licensure, they should present these records to the board.

Continuing Education Activities Accepted by the Wyoming Board

Not all activities are accepted by the board for continuing education. It's for this reason that engineers have to be sure of the activities they engaged in. Essentially, they should meet the requirements of the board. Fundamentally, the continuing education activities that meet the standards of the board are the ones that seek to maintain, increase, and expand the skills and knowledge of professional engineers in their particular disciplines. The following are activities that the board sees as satisfactory for PDH credits:

  • Management, technical, or ethics courses related to a licensee's engineering discipline
  • Teaching an engineering course for the first time
  • Online PDH programs that meet the required standards for continuing education
  • Conferences, trainings, courses, seminars, and conventions that contain engineering content that is related to an engineer's engineering field
  • Participating in technical programs related to engineering

It's noteworthy to draw attention to the fact that Wyoming allows online courses. In the same vein, there are no limits on the amount of PDHs that a licensee can earn from continuing education courses. Interested persons should note that live webinars are among the ways through which licensees can meet continuing education requirements. They make easy the acquisition of skills and knowledge for professional engineers in Wyoming.

Pre-Approval of Continuing Education Activities

In Wyoming, the state's board does not pre-approve course providers and courses for continuing education. Consequently, engineers have a duty to establish whether the courses they are taking are acceptable by the board or not.

Sources of Free Continuing Education Courses

The following are sources of free continuing education courses for engineers:

  • Professional engineering bodies
  • Educational institutions
  • Websites

To get more information on the above, licensees can visit their websites to know the free continuing education offers available.

Wyoming Engineering Licensing Requirements

Engineering licensing requirements are as follows:

  • An engineering or engineering technology degree
  • Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam
  • Gaining valuable experience in one's specific engineering field
  • Pass the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam

Engineering Discipline Restrictions for Continuing Education Courses

Whenever engineers are taking continuing education courses, they have to consider the relevance of their particular disciplines. For example, if a licensee is a chemical engineer, the course activities should be restricted to the specific field of practice.

Continuing education courses are essential in engineering practice. They help engineers acquire more skills and knowledge in their respective fields. Thus, the above-mentioned information equips licensees with what they need for license renewal as well as expanding their professional capacity.


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